Have you experienced burnout?It feels like you are walking in a gray fog. All your sights, sounds, and experiences are muted so that they don’t feel the way they used to feel.
Your work seems boring. Your life seems thin, the things that you used to like to do, you will still do them, most of them, but they don’t bring you the joy that they used to. |
You are in a deficit of some sort but you don’t really understand what caused it or how to make up the difference to get yourself back onto even ground
To feel better, you intuitively know that you need a fast emotional hit, something like a jump start. Whatever it is that will feel like a jumpstart for you. It may be an addictive or some other dangerous behavior.
If something opens up your adrenaline grands, it will work.
You are burned out and there is no way to get out of the situation by
working harder
doubling down
or pushing through
These are the things that got you where you are.
- Anonymous, 2019
To feel better, you intuitively know that you need a fast emotional hit, something like a jump start. Whatever it is that will feel like a jumpstart for you. It may be an addictive or some other dangerous behavior.
If something opens up your adrenaline grands, it will work.
You are burned out and there is no way to get out of the situation by
working harder
doubling down
or pushing through
These are the things that got you where you are.
- Anonymous, 2019