Remodel of Guest Rooms
One of the most pressing issues we've faced since acquiring the house and property for The Respite is the need to update most everything. At the top of that list has been the private guest accommodations.
We are proud to show you what is waiting for you when you arrive!
We are proud to show you what is waiting for you when you arrive!
Water Catchment System
Thanks to a very generous gift from a family in California, we were able to purchase and install a complete system for harvesting rain and mountain stream water, storage, and purification.
The system includes:
The system includes:
- Gutters for rain catchment
- Updates to existing mountain stream plumbing
- Pre-storage initial filtration
- 5,000 gallon storage capacity (2 tanks, each 2,500 gallons)
- Ozone treatment and purification for storage tanks
- 20 Micron + 5 Micron + Charcoal + UV filtration and water treatment